Sunday, April 30, 2006

"Time To get Dirty" - Archane

(as typed by andoo)

" First of all let me start by saying that this post is not for the faint of heart. The aim of this post is to delve deep into religion as a whole and to understand the concept of God. As Nietzsche himself put “is man one of God’s blunders or is God one of man’s blunders”. I can hear the resentment already, that the concept of the one pure being should not be touched, that all religions believe in this concept. I am not here to question His/Her existence but the reasoning behind His/Her creation. Man is on top of the evolutionary scale and is by far superior to any other creature he has encountered. But is he that lost, so to say, that anything inexplicable has to be attributed to ‘Divine Intervention’. Does he need that higher existence so that he has something to attain to, to be able to model himself in His/Her likeness? Is this submission justified? Or is it something that prevents us from self-destructing, a buffer of sorts that defines everything in black and white eliminating the grey?

Let me cite an example from Christianity, bear with me people, that is when God created Adam and Eve, He placed them in the Garden of Eden and they were free from sin and self doubt. To them their only purpose in life was to live in the Garden (like lab rats if you ask me, again this post is not for the faint of heart) and if God said ‘jump’ they said ‘cheese’. They were free to do as they liked as long as they remained in the Garden and didn’t eat the forbidden fruit (God should have seen the flaw in his own design and why He/She placed temptation in front of man I don’t know). As the story/scripture goes they do eat the fruit, realize they are naked and hence commit the Original Sin. But then God, being all compassionate, forgiving and understanding did not forgive them but rather banished them from the home; more like threw them out on the street. And there they were, out in the harsh desert with their newly created friend, a guy we all trust, named Smile Satan. Now for the coup de grace, a being so powerful and understanding, a being who created everything your eye can see and everything unseen cannot forgive a simple mistake by the two people he created in his likeness yet expects us to hold these virtues of love compassion and forgiveness to our grave. Where is the sense in that? Some might argue that the reasoning behind this is out of our comprehension and that we should just accept the facts and continue.

This so ends part one. Stay tuned folks as we have yet to go deeper, to a dark place, a place unprotected by any ‘Divine Powers’. A place unknown. Who knows maybe at the end of this a discovery may be made. One which could surprise you or frighten you. "


Blogger ilxlst said...

God's blunders, or man's for that matter, go only as far as the books say they do. religious people are those who follow and abide by that which has been written in 'sacred' texts...Myths/stories progressed to belief to fact.....maybe, what the holy books say are, in my opinion, nothing but a sort of propaganda devised by our very own. I highly doubt whats written in those pages are words spoken out of the very creators' mouth (if IT has one), rather a long fancy bedtime story for adults.

If one goes by these scriptures, it is inevitable to conclude that this God person is some kind of crazy sadist, who created 'lab rats' and does a variety of experiments on them. according to the books, we are here to slave (much like slaves)...and in the end of all, if we do as we are told, we are rewarded (with death....i guess its meant to be some kind of a bonus to a low paying job)...or as optimists would have it, allowed to enter heaven, nirvana..eternal peace or some sort of wierd concoction of everything except the 'hangovers'. There is no sense in glorifying the 'creator' in these books. in each of these, it is said that we have to slave (or serve the lord) ourselves out doing what was written a gazillion years ago. We are supposed to be his seems as if we are children of a Dictator. (and ppl hate Hitler, love God)
ah yes, we do have the gift of free will. we are allowed to do anything we want, as long as it is in accordance with God (or the holy books). so much for free will. If you dont do what God wills, you go to hell. punishment (or is that supp. to be a different kind of bonus or reward??) nice person he is. then again, there is scope for doing what he says again. so basically, he/she/it is the master, we slaves. zombies with free will???
God always seems to be one step too far. we are supposedly not equiped with any sensory organs that can be used to be in such presence, nor are we supposedly equipped with enough mental or spiritual vigor. we lack something. and it seems, we will always do so.
i recently spoke to a follower of 'Krishna Consciousness'. hinduism.
he told me of two 'banks'. one the material (what you see, feel etc..) and the other spiritual. as we live, our material bank is deposited with whatever we accumualte in life (happiness, sadness, love, lust etc..) and when we die, according to him and the scriptures he follows, this bank is emptied. we die, then our soul goes into another body (we are born again) and so and when we die, our spiritual bank get filled, each time...
thats what he told me when i asked him, "what the hell is the point of living all my life in search for bliss and everything when i'm going to die and forget every damn thing, to be born again and do the same thing again, and again and again??" he continued...saying the 'spiritual bank' keeps adding up, and when full, you shall be embraced by the lord himself. when? he doesnt know. he hopes that someday (or some millenia!!), it'll happen. and so faithfully he concluded, "You can read it, It is written in the Bhagvad Gita itself!". he seemed to believe every single word written in it. that was the whole truth and nothing but the truth for him and the likes of him. almost everything he said, he justified by saying "it is written and so it is true!".

then again, thats only for people who go by such books. our own perception of God is the only defining limit, not books or scriptures.

More than God, what you'd be talking about is Religion...and that's just based on writings of a few peoples perception of God.

err...have to finish my lab reports...God can wait. must do file!

(getting tired of so much typing!! must get voice recoginition)

11:14 PM, April 30, 2006  
Blogger bub said...

"God is dead." - Nietzsche, 1882

"Nietzsche is dead." - God, 1900

5:30 PM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger bub said...

Religion and Spirituality are mixed ad nauseum. Few people don't distinguish between them. Think about the last time someone asked you about your spirituality... keep thinking...

I'll post when you're done.

9:15 AM, May 04, 2006  

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