Sunday, April 30, 2006

"Time To get Dirty" - Archane

(as typed by andoo)

" First of all let me start by saying that this post is not for the faint of heart. The aim of this post is to delve deep into religion as a whole and to understand the concept of God. As Nietzsche himself put “is man one of God’s blunders or is God one of man’s blunders”. I can hear the resentment already, that the concept of the one pure being should not be touched, that all religions believe in this concept. I am not here to question His/Her existence but the reasoning behind His/Her creation. Man is on top of the evolutionary scale and is by far superior to any other creature he has encountered. But is he that lost, so to say, that anything inexplicable has to be attributed to ‘Divine Intervention’. Does he need that higher existence so that he has something to attain to, to be able to model himself in His/Her likeness? Is this submission justified? Or is it something that prevents us from self-destructing, a buffer of sorts that defines everything in black and white eliminating the grey?

Let me cite an example from Christianity, bear with me people, that is when God created Adam and Eve, He placed them in the Garden of Eden and they were free from sin and self doubt. To them their only purpose in life was to live in the Garden (like lab rats if you ask me, again this post is not for the faint of heart) and if God said ‘jump’ they said ‘cheese’. They were free to do as they liked as long as they remained in the Garden and didn’t eat the forbidden fruit (God should have seen the flaw in his own design and why He/She placed temptation in front of man I don’t know). As the story/scripture goes they do eat the fruit, realize they are naked and hence commit the Original Sin. But then God, being all compassionate, forgiving and understanding did not forgive them but rather banished them from the home; more like threw them out on the street. And there they were, out in the harsh desert with their newly created friend, a guy we all trust, named Smile Satan. Now for the coup de grace, a being so powerful and understanding, a being who created everything your eye can see and everything unseen cannot forgive a simple mistake by the two people he created in his likeness yet expects us to hold these virtues of love compassion and forgiveness to our grave. Where is the sense in that? Some might argue that the reasoning behind this is out of our comprehension and that we should just accept the facts and continue.

This so ends part one. Stay tuned folks as we have yet to go deeper, to a dark place, a place unprotected by any ‘Divine Powers’. A place unknown. Who knows maybe at the end of this a discovery may be made. One which could surprise you or frighten you. "


Blogger ilxlst said...

God's blunders, or man's for that matter, go only as far as the books say they do. religious people are those who follow and abide by that which has been written in 'sacred' texts...Myths/stories progressed to belief to fact.....maybe, what the holy books say are, in my opinion, nothing but a sort of propaganda devised by our very own. I highly doubt whats written in those pages are words spoken out of the very creators' mouth (if IT has one), rather a long fancy bedtime story for adults.

If one goes by these scriptures, it is inevitable to conclude that this God person is some kind of crazy sadist, who created 'lab rats' and does a variety of experiments on them. according to the books, we are here to slave (much like slaves)...and in the end of all, if we do as we are told, we are rewarded (with death....i guess its meant to be some kind of a bonus to a low paying job)...or as optimists would have it, allowed to enter heaven, nirvana..eternal peace or some sort of wierd concoction of everything except the 'hangovers'. There is no sense in glorifying the 'creator' in these books. in each of these, it is said that we have to slave (or serve the lord) ourselves out doing what was written a gazillion years ago. We are supposed to be his seems as if we are children of a Dictator. (and ppl hate Hitler, love God)
ah yes, we do have the gift of free will. we are allowed to do anything we want, as long as it is in accordance with God (or the holy books). so much for free will. If you dont do what God wills, you go to hell. punishment (or is that supp. to be a different kind of bonus or reward??) nice person he is. then again, there is scope for doing what he says again. so basically, he/she/it is the master, we slaves. zombies with free will???
God always seems to be one step too far. we are supposedly not equiped with any sensory organs that can be used to be in such presence, nor are we supposedly equipped with enough mental or spiritual vigor. we lack something. and it seems, we will always do so.
i recently spoke to a follower of 'Krishna Consciousness'. hinduism.
he told me of two 'banks'. one the material (what you see, feel etc..) and the other spiritual. as we live, our material bank is deposited with whatever we accumualte in life (happiness, sadness, love, lust etc..) and when we die, according to him and the scriptures he follows, this bank is emptied. we die, then our soul goes into another body (we are born again) and so and when we die, our spiritual bank get filled, each time...
thats what he told me when i asked him, "what the hell is the point of living all my life in search for bliss and everything when i'm going to die and forget every damn thing, to be born again and do the same thing again, and again and again??" he continued...saying the 'spiritual bank' keeps adding up, and when full, you shall be embraced by the lord himself. when? he doesnt know. he hopes that someday (or some millenia!!), it'll happen. and so faithfully he concluded, "You can read it, It is written in the Bhagvad Gita itself!". he seemed to believe every single word written in it. that was the whole truth and nothing but the truth for him and the likes of him. almost everything he said, he justified by saying "it is written and so it is true!".

then again, thats only for people who go by such books. our own perception of God is the only defining limit, not books or scriptures.

More than God, what you'd be talking about is Religion...and that's just based on writings of a few peoples perception of God.

err...have to finish my lab reports...God can wait. must do file!

(getting tired of so much typing!! must get voice recoginition)

11:14 PM, April 30, 2006  
Blogger bub said...

"God is dead." - Nietzsche, 1882

"Nietzsche is dead." - God, 1900

5:30 PM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger bub said...

Religion and Spirituality are mixed ad nauseum. Few people don't distinguish between them. Think about the last time someone asked you about your spirituality... keep thinking...

I'll post when you're done.

9:15 AM, May 04, 2006  

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Saturday, April 29, 2006

purpose?? what bloody purpose?

ok, say we figure out everything. the answers to life, the universe and everything else. we find out the truth about the nature of the universe blah blah blah...the works.

as a friend rightfully pointed out, what are we supposed to do with such knowledge? ok, spread it for one. then what? what is to be done after the whole world knows everything?

what??? are we supposed to create one more blog/site discussing what to do with that knowledge????????????

bloody purpose.

damn. now what? and after we are done with the 'now what', what about the 'then what'???????



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Saturday, April 22, 2006


I was thinking about what to write. I thought. then I thought about what I was thinking about. then I sat down to think about my thinking. i thought. what was I thinking?? what was the point of thinking about thinking? I was trying to consciously think about my good they were, how bad, or just why so. But then, I again had to think about what I was thinking then. obviously, I had to think about what my thoughts were on my thoughts of that which I was thinking about thinking. I now 'thank'. too much thinking, I could not think of the word used to describe the process. I knew it started with a 't' somehow and sounded somewhat like 'dink', but just couldnt get my mind to remember that word. tdink????? So I still continued thanking, and later started wondering about why I thanked so much. I had to, just had to, thunk (?) about why the heck I was doing so much crap, so futile, why was I having so many thunks??? I had to find out. I had to have better thonks. I thank I was thanking about better thonks, I thunk I had some, but I forgot. I now found myself thunking about why I had so many thonks in my head. tdinking, thunking, thonking, thanking.....thinking. too much.then...
Scotty barked,
I stopped.

Saved by the bark (not the tree kind, more like bow-wow, or woof-woof, whichever you like). If it wasnt for my cute, lil' furry k9 friend, I would have ended up in a vortex of thoughtless black-hole-like-thought-continuum that would have eventually led me to my own doom.
Thank (as in expressing gratitude) Scotty!! He saved me. Mind. never mind???? how can I?? how can you??? this dastardly thing is bloody carved into my head! I cant 'never mind'! Its like, part of me n' shit!

Imagine if we started counting the number of thoughts we had in a day, or say an hour. Lets say I started thinking about object 'A' for the first minute. That would make the first..1 thought. But then I was also thinking about counting that thought as the first thought. So I guess I would have to count that one too...making it 2 thoughts in the first minute. since I thought that I had to count the second thought, I know have 3 thoughts. Well, it takes a thought to count to 3, voila, 4. ah, I used a french word! 5. I was surprised, 6. I am still concentrating on counting all these, 7. I now realize that the former 6 thoughts were thoughts that were rooted from the 1st thought im confused. 8,9,10. oh damn im confused, what are thoughts? why the hell am i doing this? arpana where are you? "See you on the other side, when I close my eyes". stop singing pvd, enough.. concentrate. count. 16?17?35??????? wait...where was I? 10? let me start all over again..1 was 'A', 2 was........

i think if i carried on, i would reach....hmmm..infinity!! DAMN THIS TERM! who the hell coined this term?????????? obviously, time would have passed and the 1hr would have ticked away, but im still busy counting the number of thoughts I had in the 1st minute. oh ofcourse, not to mention, the poor memory that I have, I probably wouldnt have remembered half of them. infinity? WHY!??????????? damn, if only i wasnt so 'educated'! ;)

are you thinking yet? think about it. or...dont. but then aren't you thinking about not thinking? that means you'd be thinking. you sure you wanna do that?

powers of the mind eh? saalaa. ek dimaag saalaa aadmi ko sab kuch banata hai (in hindi)

so what now? is it possible? is there an ability of the human mind to affect inanimate objects without any physical action (musculoskeletal movement)? to be able to use our mind to control or affect someone or something else's behaviour, change something remotely? brainwaves?? or electrons jumping out of the mind through the skull, the skin and the hair (or just skin!) and doing some work???
or how about just using it to control ourselves in situations where we are most likely not be able to control ourselves? say, under the influence of alcohol, weed etc.??? controlling pain, pleasure? remember better, learn more. sorta like upgrading a pc?



mind games, mind wars, mind freaks, mind the mind. damn mind. minding the never mind was always something to mind. getting repetetive ain't I? well, don't mind.

more on this later (thinking).


Blogger h3lios said...

lol, nice one.

and yeah....

"so what now? is it possible? is there an ability of the human mind to affect inanimate object without any physical action (musculoskeletal movement)? to be able to use our mind to control or affect someone or something else's behaviour, change something remotely? brainwaves?? or electrons jumping out of the mind throught the skull, the skin and the hair (or just skin!) and doing some work???
or how about just using it to control ourselves in situations where we are most likely not be able to control ourselves? say, under the influence of alcohol, weed etc.??? controlling pain, pleasure? remember better, learn more. sorta like upgrading a pc?"

yes it is possible.

3:41 PM, April 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"or electrons jumping out of the mind throught the skull, the skin and the hair (or just skin!) and doing some work???"

"yes it is possible."

I had nothing to do with that hair growth!

11:04 PM, April 24, 2006  
Blogger bub said...

Does anyone want me to bring my philosophy textbook back to dxb? It's just a great collection of pieces about everything. Don't use the arguments directly, but rather the language and terms as fodder for your own.

12:43 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger ilxlst said...

telekinesis - 'the power to move something by thinking about it without the application of physical force.'
jean grey and mottai (bald in malayalam) proffessor seem to know everything about it, even use it. lazy bums. but maybe not. maybe to do such a feat requires more energy than physically doing the same. which one is worse? a migrane or a broken arm? well,a migrane takes the cake, and the icing too. i guess the mind is much more complicated than a transmitter, its more like a gazillion of those put together together to form millions of something else, which in turn combines to be something else and further...until we have that mass we lovingly call the brain.

btw, it would be nice if you ppl could express your views with more than yes/no's. the keys on your keyboard are meant for something. use it. would like to know more about what you think than me just rambling on.

and bub, forget your philosophy text book, get the philosophy in your head, thats what we are after.

although i am quite surprised with the response, i would definitely want to see much more. it would take what..15 mins of your time to write in something? since you reply already, just elaborate a lil more.

you dont have to be drunk to discuss such topics.


10:11 AM, April 26, 2006  
Blogger ilxlst said...

For many, many years there have been individuals who claim to be able to do extraordinary things using only the powers of the mind - telepathy, telekinesis, and even stranger things, like X-ray clairvoyance. Although exact definitions are hard to nail down, these "powers" differ from claims of spiritualism and psychic ability, in that telepathy and telekinesis are (ostensibly) natural phenomenon and not influenced by the supernatural."

isnt our very own movement a consequence of the power of our minds?? our minds have the power to move our body. it has been concluded that it is our brain that controls everything we do, physically. behold its power then. im typing all this because of that power vested in my brain. its just not a bodily mass placed in my skull doing nothing. infact, it does everything. my liver does not move my hand when 'I' want it to. Nor do my intestines help thrust my leg forward to kick a football. the brain. all by the brain. our loving, our hatred, our emotions, all decided by the brain (?? well, functions of the heart are quite a controversial and arguable topic, but..)
this power is taken for granted. we seem to be our brain. so nothing great. and therefore, we are looking to control everything else.
in a way, we are paralysed; since we are interested only in controlling everything else that we cannot. yet.
just as a person who is physically paralyzed, his/her mind being powered just enough for him/her to breathe, just enough for his respiratory organs to work and nothing else, we (people who are not paralysed) are powered just enough to control our own body.

maybe if we could somehow amplify our brain, power it up further so that there are more objects under its control than just whats under the skin.
maybe if we perfect controlling our body, our mind might be able to control something else too.
maybe. maybe not.

10:40 PM, April 27, 2006  

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Saturday, April 15, 2006



Hey everybody, the greatly elusive and much admired AliEn here :D

I know ive been a bit prophetic with the description of my site and with the ideas and moral eptitude it professes to instill as an eventual consequence, but aspire with me and help me reach these and higher levels of expressionism.

Ive come up with some discussions for the thoughts section of my page here and before i put anything up i wanted to have a vote session, sort of a poll to see what you as the general public hold in higher importance so as to get it rolling.

Also, if you have something that plagues your dreams, leaving you to wake up with the thought of "what if?" please vote and post a comment to include your topic and a brief description of how it affects you. The cooperation will be greatly appreciated, and hopefully within the coming week, the process will be completed.

the limits man binds himself to when it comes to the universe
prospect of immortality
existence of aliens
spiritual world
powers of the mind
Current Results


Blogger ilxlst said...

HEY NARU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
glad to have you on board!
cool, we are now officially international.

(hmm..mentioning ppls names brings them here! must do that mmore often!)
never thought would have you along!!
very cool. spread the word.
we are much much like virii after all!

11:05 PM, April 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really just wanted 2 say GR8 job & a damn sinciere effort! Hope yur website is the biggest success!
Wanted to share a thought...
a philosophy rather...
U r not what u think u r...
U r not what I think u r...
U r what u think I think u r !!!

3:34 PM, April 18, 2006  
Blogger ilxlst said...

well, 'power of the mind' is currently most popular. enough voting. lets get into this now.

the mind it is.

2:05 AM, April 23, 2006  

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

continuum ad infinitum.

infinite series are still a puzzle for even the greatest mathematicians today. the sum of an infinite series is a finite number, a finite number can be divided into infinite finite numbers. but nobody knows what number of infinite numbers it can be broken up into. now, thats contradiciting. number of infinite numbers?? well, why not? how, or why have'nt we been able to go as far as infinity????

i think infinity(or a point at/of infinity) lies only as far as you can go. but we are taught to believe that going further does not necessarily mean we are closer to that supposed infinity. i guess that would defeat the purpose of an 'infinity'. there wouldnt be a point of coining that term if we could get there or reach such a position. but was this term created as a sign of defeat? like as if someone decided, "Oh, we will never be able to go that far, and its so far that it would seem like very far, so there's no point in trying to go there anyway. Lets just tell everyone it extends to emm..say 'infinity' so that no one else can go that far.I dont want anyone else doing something I didnt!"
or have we set up everything else, so that everything is in accordance with this infinite stuff? like numbers? have we created them such, that we made sure they had characteristics that would display the 'infinite', made them in such a way that we were in need of such a term? is it really necessary?do we need something to be infinite? its not like we know of stuff that are infinite (except numbers....we created them), we just dont know if a certain thing is finite. just because we dont know if something is finite (eg, the universe) does it mean that it is infinite?

ok, heres something to ponder over, a very famous 'paradox'. Lets see if anyone can come up with an answer with a logical explanation :
Consider a lamp, with a switch. Hit the switch once, it turns it on. Hit it again, it turns it off. Let us imagine there is a being with supernatural powers who likes to play with this lamp as follows. First, he turns it on. At the end of one minute, he turns it off. At the end of half a minute, he turns it on again. At the end of a quarter of a minute, he turns it off. In one eighth of a minute, he turns it on again. And so on, hitting the switch each time after waiting exactly one-half the time he waited before hitting it the last time.

mathematically, in school, we learned that 1 = 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/16 + 1/32 + 1/64 +1/128 ..... (to 1/infinity)

therefore, applying the above, it is easy to see that all these infinitely many time intervals add up to exactly two minutes.

Now here's the question : At the end of two minutes, is the lamp on, or off?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmm, interesting, this is basically a geometric series related question which I think is rather impossible to solve with the given resourses (ie, im not that smart) but anyway this is how i went about it only to end up scratching my head.

Ok, you start by switching the lamp on (why???? god alone knows IF he exists) after 1 min u switch it off. Then for some reason, which i dont feel like getting into, u decide that after 1/2 a minute u switch it off, then after 1/4 of a minute u switch it on, this keeps going on and on ( atfer 1/8 minute, 1/16 of a minute and then 1/32.....clicking the switch after half the time taken to previously hit the switch is completed) till there is no "half the time" left to click it on or off. Is the switch on or off?

Primarily, the value of 1min, is divided into an infinte number of numbers,
1, 1/2, 1/8, 1/16........1/(n-1), 1/n.

n = infinity
a = 1 (first member of the series)
r = 1/2(differance multipled)

hence SUM of all the numbers, or basically the total time spent on this wastefull activity is

= a/(1-r) = 2 minutes
(caluclate urself)

now we plug these values into an equation and find out if the last member of this series is a odd or even number and LO and BEHOLD u solve an ageless brain wrecking problem.

to find the nth term the formula is a x r^n ( r is raised to power n)

u try sovlving this but ull never get an answer cause u get 0.5^n as the nthe term, not much use as it equals to nothing so u have 2 variables.

SOO i turned the table round, and imagined turning the swich on or off starting backwards, that is i started with 0 time and after every double time passed i hit the switch again till i completed 2 minutes.
here i get a better answer which is 1=n2^n. One equation with one variable.

Try racking ur brains now, im tired off this switch, ill try something more and will be back.

1:47 PM, April 12, 2006  
Blogger ilxlst said...

ok, i appreciate your effort, but i guess in your hurry to do something else (less futile??) you mistook/misread some stuff.

first off, the series is : 1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+32..

therefore making the next term 1/2n and not 1/(n-1). therefore, your nth term is also wrong,therefore your proposed equation is also wrong.

sorry, but you are wrong! but keep trying! but i say, if at first you dont succeed, take a break, however short or long!

2:25 PM, April 12, 2006  
Blogger ilxlst said...

and so it begins...

taking Monsieur Albert Newton Faraday's (nishant das) suggestion(idea)consideration, how about working backwards?

lets try and start with two minutes at first and work our way backwards towards '0' minutes?

we could use trial values (i.e. suppose its 'on' after 2mins and/or 'off' after two minutes) and see which one gives a switched off lamp at the '0'th minute.

well, i guess we'll again come across a series, but this time, it would be :
1/infinity - 1/(infinity/2) - 1/(infinity/4).... (to 0). but we know the state of the lamp at 0. so maybe such a trial and error method might work.

on the lines of binary, '1' is considered to be the 'on' state, and '0' to be 'off'. even on, and odd using that methodology, at '0' minutes, the lamp is off.
lets first take 2 mins to be a time when the lamp is on. then working backwards.....

bah humbug!!! im tired already.
more on this later....
(i prefer more 'futile' activities to this now..)

2:36 PM, April 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok man, i really really really appretiate your initiative to spread knowledge and light the "lamp" of wisdom but what this question is trying to do is detrimine if the last number of the numerical system is an even or odd number, i feel its impossible so please finish this post cause its eating my head, and start a juicy debate related to the limits man binds himself to when it comes down to the universe.

12:33 AM, April 13, 2006  

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Sunday, April 09, 2006

one for all.

this site is open to all, anyone can post. so dont be shy. there is also no need to register with to post, posting is not restricted to members.

posts will be moderated however, so please refrain from explicit content and strong language.
but please, do write your name along with your posts so that we know who said what.


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how about this :
lets say we have lots of topics on our minds...everyone contributing to more and more..or just that some people might prefer someother topic over another. obviously, we cant discuss everything at once. so how about having a poll, the topic with the highest votes wins, and that will be carried forth on ayman's page.

what say you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am Lord 33245 from planet system Vodrom. This is an intergalactic mayday.
If anyone receives this, assume the worst and please attempt to rescue us.

My crew is low in morale and we are running short of supplies. The Ziphons are approaching our position and by our estimates will obliterate the whole convoy in 3 standard days.

It is in the hope that some brave soul on a noble planet will receive this and begin a search and rescue mission, enabling the continuation of our race.

I can only hope that this communique does not end up on some guys webblog as some sort of obscure comment to one of his posts.

God have mercy on us.

2:28 AM, April 10, 2006  
Blogger ilxlst said...

sorry dude man (or dude alien), we are only humans here. the furthest we have ever gone (or so i believe) is mars....and thats billions of lightyears away from the Vordom system (or so i believe).

we dont even know the answer to life,the universe and everything!!! can you believe that! so by now you'd know that we are very primitive, so really sorry.

however, to prove to you that we are brave souls, on a noble planet, we will post flyers and pamphlets around to start the search mission. we will also try to get Al-Marai to print your pictures (please send us a picture of your whole crew in .jpg format) on its milk cans and cartons.

as for the rescue, i will personally send NASA and the air-forces of all 1st-world countries to try and reach somehow (god help us) and rescue you and your crew from your miserable situation.

Over and Out.

3:12 AM, April 10, 2006  
Blogger ilxlst said...

ok wait, we might just be able to help you if you tell us who/what or where God sure you know!

you aliens are always more sophisticated and intelligent than us, and always appear to know everything. (bloody hollywood)

3:13 AM, April 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The call for help has indeed found its way to being a comment.

We shall try to make most of the situation........

Thank you for the help you are offering.

My men are in high spirits after reading your message ilxlst.

We are launching an assault on the Ziphons tonight. It cannot fail!!!! We are united in our will to destroy them and we will be freed!!!!!

I will contact you after the mission tonight, which will succeed.

6:23 AM, April 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmmmm..............Just incase you guys were wondering, we destroyed that pathetic assault on us by the Vodrom 'army'.

They won't spam your blog any more with their dumbass comments.

Ziphon leader dude out.

6:25 AM, April 10, 2006  
Blogger ilxlst said...

great, you aliens are worse than us humans. i thought it was only our pathetic species that wants to kill others. guess the power struggle has rubbed onto you through space. or did it rub onto us?????

well, i guess im not getting any answers from you guys, even if do, not wanting. you probably will destroy earth too. guess peace aint even sellin!

sheesh. you guys pawn al-qaida also.

p.s. : this blog is not intended to be a creative outlet for star-trek fans.

(damn this bi-psionic alpha-gamma vortex transmuter.)

5:45 PM, April 11, 2006  

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of life.

this was/is primarily meant to serve as a supplement to AliEn's gyroscope, where your brainwaves meet ours...where we try to structure and organize our raving thoughts of prescribing insanity, or just, know what each other thinks. im sure doing such will help us grow ( i reaaaally hope! need some height ;).
for those of you who havent been there yet, get over there right away (link on the right 'The Gyroscope of Life')...he is trying to start discussions on various topics that are always on our minds...until further additions, you can use this blog to post topic ideas or start a discussion. They will be reviewed and then posted onto his site.
we could use your thoughts as much as you could use ours...any ideas or theories or anything, just put them up here. once it gets started, we'll have lots of people contributing to it.
its not about my dreams of doing something, its about all of us. we could all do this individually and write lots of stuff and keep them on the bookshelves in our rooms, but who'll benefit from that? no one (not reffering to anish narayan) so here we go...let see how far this goes.

"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. " ~Henry David Thoreau, Walden

enough of the quiteness.


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Saturday, April 08, 2006

entrance, stage wherever.

I started this blog not knowing for what or why. Alas, for no reason whatsoever, i did it, without reason. But now I have found reason. I found inspiration in a friend, and decided to help him.

now that I've got you reading, lets try to set off a spark in that delirious yet eccentric, affluent yet erratic, deranged yet superfluous, incommensurate corpus...that distinct bodily mass or organ having a specific function (who knows what that is!?)...lets try to help those electrons flow towards a specific path owing to achieve a greater good. mind.lets try to think, and help think, further....


well, this is not intended in any which way (read Disclaimer) to derogate anyone or anything. not that you don't think already....or 'enough'. certainly not implying that you are not thinking right ( i AM the last person to be telling you that, i would also have the least idea of what is right) but only to try and bring our coherent thoughts on to the same page...the fundamentals. i sincerely feel that none of us spend enough time thinking about the why's, what and how's (?!?)

heres to thoughts of/on life, existence, reality, truth, time, death, purpose and all that jazz.

but dont just think. think care bears. how about achieving that state of existence!! share and care! (just leave out the colourful, 2d-bear part) would be nirvana to most if everyone shared (even if not cared) ..err..(thats pertaining only to money and other materialistic objects dirty person!!!!) if we cannot share our money (or someone else's), our favourite things, valuables etc..why not share something else. something no one can take away from you, something entirely yours, truly, your thoughts.

it could (along with theirs) make or break someone, but your thoughts are as valuable as anything, perhaps more. your thoughts on subjects as the life, the universe and everything (ok, we'll leave 'everything' out for now) could light and pave the way for someone (me???) who is stuck in the dark.
ideas, thoughts...possibilities. endless as they are, we have only taken the first few steps towards them. long way.

i drew inspiration for this site from my friends' efforts to do the same - 'elvis', 'alien' seems as though they started in the 60's and are trying to reach outer-space (joke)...and people all over the world who try to add to our canons, our tenets -- further to improvise our logic and basic understanding of things. broaden perspectives. a horde of people who try to know the unknown. this is just me trying to be a part of them.

this whole page-site-blog-thingy started out as an aperture for my thoughts, ideas whatever. where mine would be able to interact with those of yours and vice-versa. seems to be the best way, no shouting, no faces, no tables and chairs flying around. so, here...


(not that you don't already)

(btw, there hasn't been a Disclaimer written, yet)


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