Thursday, April 09, 2009

the mass known as man.

owing to a vapid seamful continuum on the timeline of life, the onus has fallen unto myself to be perplexed by alpha's, omega's and even everything not in between.
some say some things, others say other things. but things dont say anything at all. human beings have'nt learnt anything at all from things. unlike things, this mass had accredited itself to a greater status, only to complicate something as simple as existence.

no. the meaning of no. feel free to reject, or interject...the prescription of the word 'no' from a tongue faster than the brain does stimulate one's thoughts to conjure up a 'yes'/'maybe'/or even 'might be' every now and then. But the true genesis of most actions or thoughts begin with the notion of 'no'.
You then might get repulsed with a mundane idea, or it turns into apathy which surges in your own own... it even morphs into a callous mass of negative affirmation.
It seems insignificant at the time,immaterial, can be conquered, but wait... it feeds on your thoughts, plagues on your mind. There comes a time when there is nothing left but the emptiness of NO!!.


a mind might then race to this one puny thought that it has concieved for all that it has lived, ate,slept and oxygenated for all these years. All the knowledge that you have gained curbs under the shreiks of a single NO.
Things that were normal of the yesteryear are now uncommon or even alien to the escape of the activity in the new found self.
It was a simple 'NO'
the 'NO' that lived, the'NO' tht was no-thing is 'no-w'

no-w, the duality of one's mind is such that there is never just one side...with every no, there happens to be a 'yes', whether one would like it or not....seamingly so, negativity means nothing without a measure of positivity. there cannot by a ying without a yang.

jibber-jabber chitter-chatter.


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